Think about it! If God uses you in any way to introduce someone to Jesus Christ, your life has now counted for eternity. Somebody will not be separated from God as God used you to speak His name to them. Thanks to the working of God through you, they didn’t get better job, a bigger house, or a newer car. They received something so much bigger and eternal. Their eternal destiny was changed.

The English word “evangelism” comes from the Greek word euaggelion. Most literally translated in the noun form, euaggelion means: “gospel” or “good news.”

Evangelism is partnering up with the Al-mighty. He must bring the lost to Christ. We are only instruments, not power. But as we walk in faithful obedience to Him, God will use us. What He was when He saved you—a God of grace—He is in you to save others—a God of grace.

Anyone who wants his or her life to count on something eternal ought to ask the same question. How do I develop an evangelistic lifestyle? To receive the help needed in this area, we ought to ask, is there anything about the lives and lifestyles of people in the New Testament that could help me develop an evangelistic lifestyle? The answer is yes. As we study this topic, several things become clear.

Pastor of Bridge Christian fellowship in NC David McGee SAID: We should be more concerned with reaching the lost than pampering the saved”

1. We Must See People the Way God Sees Them

In Matthew 9:36, the observation is made concerning Christ, “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.” Compassion comes with commitment to the cause. He looked beyond people’s faults and saw their need—they were like sheep without a shepherd. Many times, Christians feel that being around non-Christians is an unpleasant experience. Some unbelievers are very self-centered, and their language can be less than desirable.

We forget, though, that the problem is not what they do, it’s who they are—individuals who have never met the Savior.

As Christ looked beyond the person’s actions and saw the problem, we are to do the same. We must have a heart of compassion toward non-Christians and see them the way Christ does. His practice is to be our pattern. We Must Give God Obedience, Not Excuses.

The basis of evangelism is the Great Commission. Christ’s command is: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

The Great Commission Is Great Because It Starts with The Finished Work of Christ

The Great Commission is great because it guarantees results. It is great because it guarantees fruit. How does the church fulfill the Great Commission? Jesus spells it out in Matthew 28:19 – 20: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

The church is called to preach the gospel, baptize those who believe, and then teach them to obey the commands of Jesus. This mission involves every Christian!

Luke 5:1–11 tells us lessons in evangelism.

Christ taught His disciples in evangelism. Using the metaphor of catching fish, He taught them to catch men. After they had fished an entire night with no success, Christ said to Peter, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Any fisherman acquainted with the Sea of Galilee would understand that if you don’t catch any fish at night, you might as well settle for no fish. Deep-sea fish are fish that live in the darkness below the sunlit surface waters the deep sea, about 90% of the ocean volume, is in darkness. The deep sea is also an extremely hostile environment,

When you dip into God’s word, God’s spirit will deepen your hunger and thirst to go deep.

Despite this fact, Peter answered, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net.” Miraculously they caught a net-breaking, boat-sinking load, and Jesus said, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” His message was simple: “When I say do it, do it!” Christ’s calling is to us as well as to the first disciples, and He can provide the miraculous catch.

2. We Must Be People Who Pray

When we turn to the New Testament, we find that those who gave themselves wholeheartedly to evangelism also gave themselves to prayer. Not only did they plead with men for God, but they also pleaded for men with God.

Pray and keep praying. As you do, expect God to answer. Praying in faith is believing not only that He can, but also expecting that He will.

3. We Must be where the need is:

No one would dispute the fact that Jesus Christ had an evangelistic lifestyle. The amount of time He spent with sinners attests to this. He was even known as their friend (Matt. 11:19). We cannot have personal evangelism without personal contact. How can we regularly have contact with the lost? Several suggestions might be helpful. Our homes can provide an evangelistic outreach. We can entertain non-Christians for dinner or a backyard cookout

We should also do business with them. Believers can easily get

into a rut. By that I mean we get our hair cut by Christian barbers, our cars repaired by Christian mechanics, and our homes built by Christian carpenters. There are times when that may be the wisest thing to do. But there are times when we don’t give a non-Christian consideration simply because he or she is a non-Christian. As there are dishonest and unreliable Christians, there are honest and reliable unbelievers. Giving unbelievers our business can provide good contact for sharing the Gospel. The point is, make contact. Personal evangelism demands personal contact.

More boats, more nets. Even if you are in the desert, God knows how to bring fish into your net

4. We Must Not Let Fear Stand in Our Way

In the New Testament, those who shared Christ with others were not people who never knew fear. Instead, they were individuals who allowed courage to overcome fear. Even in the face of persecution, they did not let fear stand in their way. In 1 Thessalonians 2:2, Paul says, “But even after we had suffered before and were spitefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we were bold in our God to speak to you the gospel of God in much conflict.”

First, just as the disciples did, ask God for boldness (Acts 4:29). Not only does God have a generous supply of physical blessings for His children, He also has a generous supply of boldness.

Second, concentrate on the message (1 Thess. 2:3–4). When you know you have the truth, just as the disciples discovered, you cannot keep from speaking the truth (Acts 4:20).

Third, have the proper motivation (1 Thess. 2:5–8) so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well. We must not let fear stand in our way. We must be in command of it, instead of it being in command of us.

The greater the test in your life – the greater the testimony

The greater the mess – the greater the message.

The greater the resistance – the greater the revival.

5. We Must Learn How to Share Christ

When you care, you must share. Commitment to people should result in conversation about Christ.

When we study the book of Acts carefully, it becomes clear that the disciples knew how to lead someone to Christ. If we are going to have an evangelistic lifestyle, we, too, must know how to lead someone to Christ. Considering this, those who consistently evangelize have found it helpful to master a method.

  • Preparing the Unreached
  • Reaching the Prepared

A. Interactive Evangelism Unbelievers are exposed to the gospel, often outside of their natural relationships, through the strategic initiative of Christians. Lifestyle Evangelism Unbelievers are exposed to the gospel through the everyday relationships and interactions they have with Christians.  Welfare evangelism Unbelievers are exposed to the gospel and its effects through contact with a body of believers.

Whatever approach you use, make certain it makes the Gospel clear. The Gospel in its simplest terms is: Christ died for our sins; Christ arose from the dead (1 Cor. 15:3–4).

Therefore, a good approach in sharing the Gospel should cover the basic doctrine of sin (so they understand their need), the death and resurrection of Christ (so they understand God’s way of salvation), and faith (so they know what they need to do).

It should also give non-Christians ample opportunity to interact with you so you can be sure they are following you and understand what you are saying. Feeding the 5000 and finding the 5000. Where there is need there will be supply. Where it is 2 fish or a net full of fish. Heaven never ran out of oil, the earth out of fullness. Bring your net and bring your jar.


One other thing needs to be said about developing an evangelistic lifestyle—start now! Someone has said, “True obedience does not procrastinate nor question.” To have an evangelistic lifestyle demands involvement, not mere intention.

The only way to become a golfer is by golfing. The only way to become a fisher of men is by fishing for men.

Evangelism is for you! God has chosen not only to bring lost people to Himself—He has also chosen to let you in on the blessing. The message hasn’t been committed to angels but to you. In obedience to Him as His disciple, and in appreciation for His gift, follow the example of Peter, who said, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net” (Luke 5:5). Start now!

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